
1. **增强免疫力**:人参提取物中含有多种免疫调节剂,如人参皂苷Rg1和Rb1,能够激活免疫系统,增强机体免疫力。研究显示,人参提取物可以增加脾脏和淋巴结细胞数量,并促进免疫细胞分泌细胞因子,如干扰素和白细胞介素。


2. **抗疲劳作用**:人参提取物可以提升机体的氧气利用率和运动耐力,具有显著的抗疲劳效果。实验表明,人参提取物能够延长小鼠的游泳时间,增强运动能力,并降低峰值乳酸浓度。

3. **调节血糖和血脂**:人参提取物中的人参皂苷Rg3、Rb1等成分有助于降低血糖和血脂,对于预防和治疗糖尿病、高脂血症等疾病具有积极作用。

4. **保护心血管**:人参提取物可以扩张血管,增加冠状动脉血流量,降低血压、心率和血液黏度,减少心肌缺血/再灌注损伤。

5. **抗氧化作用**:人参提取物中的活性成分可以抑制脑和肝中过氧化脂质的形成,减少大脑皮层和肝中脂褐素的含量,同时增加血液中超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶的含量,具有抗氧化作用。

6. **抗衰老和抗疲劳**:人参提取物能够延缓神经细胞衰老,降低老年性记忆损伤,稳定细胞膜结构,增加蛋白质合成,提高记忆力。

7. **美容护肤**:人参提取物中的多种成分,如人参皂苷、氨基酸、维生素及矿物质,可以促进皮下毛细血管血液循环,增加皮肤的营养供应,防止动脉硬化,调节皮肤水分平衡,从而延缓皮肤衰老,防止皮肤干燥脱水,增加皮肤弹性,减少皱纹。


8. **抗肿瘤作用**:人参提取物具有抗肿瘤效果,能够增强机体对抗肿瘤的能力。

9. **抗应激和抗辐射**:人参提取物可以增强机体的抗应激和抗辐射能力。

10. **抗炎症、肝病、糖尿病、贫血、高血压等**:人参提取物在传统中医中广泛应用于治疗这些疾病。



1. **经济实用性**:对于低收入家庭或个体来说,即使是小小的戈比也能在日常生活中起到作用,比如购买一些小物品或支付小额费用。

2. **节约习惯的培养**:重视每一个戈比可以培养良好的节约习惯,这对于个人或家庭的经济管理非常重要。


3. **教育意义**:对于孩子来说,了解货币单位和它们的价值可以帮助他们学习数学和金钱管理。

4. **激励因素**:在一些奖励机制中,即使是小小的戈比也可以作为激励,鼓励人们达成某些目标。

5. **社会互助**:在社区或慈善活动中,即使是微小的捐赠也能汇聚成较大的力量,帮助需要帮助的人。


6. **心理安慰**:有时候,积累一些戈比可以给人带来心理上的满足感和成就感。




1. **清热解毒**:苦瓜性寒,具有清热解毒的功效,适合用于暑热引起的烦渴口干、疮痈肿毒、赤眼疼痛等症状。


2. **辅助降低血糖**:苦瓜汁中含有类似胰岛素的物质,有助于控制血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。

3. **补充维生素C**:苦瓜汁富含维生素C,有助于提高免疫力,促进免疫物质生成,对预防坏血病有积极作用。

4. **促进减肥**:苦瓜含有较少的脂肪和糖分,而富含维生素,特别适合减肥人士饮用,有助于加速体内毒素分解和利尿除湿。

5. **防治痱子**:使用新鲜的苦瓜汁涂抹长痱子的部位,可以有助于消除痱子,并且预防痱子的生长。

6. **美容养颜**:苦瓜中的蛋白质成分有助于维持肌肤弹性,维生素C则可以抵制皮肤黑色素的生成,从而达到美白嫩肤的效果。


7. **祛湿止痒**:苦瓜汁具有利尿、解毒、清热的功效,对于皮肤上的癣症和止痒有辅助作用。

8. **降血压、降血糖**:苦瓜汁中的成分有助于调节血压和血糖水平。

9. **增强免疫系统**:苦瓜汁富含的维生素C和抗氧化剂能增强免疫系统功能,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。

10. **抗癌作用**:苦瓜汁含有蛋白质和大量维生素C,能够提高机体免疫功能,并可能阻止恶性肿瘤的生长。

11. **治疗痈疾**:苦瓜汁有清热解毒的作用,可用来辅助治疗痈疾。

12. **清肝明目**:从中医的角度看,苦瓜汁性味苦寒,有助于清肝明目,对肝火旺盛引起的眼睛不适有一定的缓解作用。




1. **滋阴补血**:桑果能够补益肝肾之阴,对于肝肾阴虚引起的头晕耳鸣、目暗昏花、关节不利、失眠、须发早白等症状有缓解作用。同时,桑果还能补血养肝,对于血虚者有很好的调养效果。



2. **生津润燥**:桑果具有生津止渴、润肠通便的功效,适用于治疗津伤口渴、内热消渴、肠燥便秘等证。

3. **补肝益肾**:中医认为桑果能补肝益肾,对于肾虚引起的性功能减退、腰膝酸软等症状有改善作用。

4. **养心益智**:桑果具有养心益智的作用,可以缓解心悸失眠、健忘等症状。

5. **乌发明目**:桑果对于乌发有特效,能够改善视力,对眼睛疲劳、视力模糊有一定的缓解作用。

6. **抗衰老**:桑果中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如白藜芦醇,可以增强抗氧化酶活性,延缓衰老。


7. **降血糖、降血脂**:现代医学研究表明,桑果中的多糖成分具有明显的降糖作用,对高血脂也有一定的降低效果。

8. **护肝**:桑果对于肝脏有一定的保护作用,有助于促进肝脏健康。

9. **促进消化**:桑果可以促进胃液和肠液的分泌,增进胃肠蠕动,有助于消化。

10. **增强免疫力**:桑果富含多种维生素和矿物质,能够增强人体的免疫力。



1. **解热作用**:乙酰氨基酚通过抑制下丘脑体温调节中枢的前列腺素合成酶,减少前列腺素PGE1的合成和释放,从而降低体温。其解热效果与阿司匹林相似,但作用机理不同。

2. **镇痛作用**:乙酰氨基酚通过抑制前列腺素PGE1、缓激肽和组胺等的合成和释放,提高痛阈,从而起到镇痛作用。其镇痛效果较弱,主要适用于轻至中度疼痛的缓解,如头痛、肌肉痛、关节痛、神经痛、痛经等。



3. **适应症**:乙酰氨基酚常用于治疗和缓解以下症状:
– 感冒和流行性感冒引起的发热;
– 轻至中度疼痛,如头痛、肌肉痛、关节痛、神经痛、偏头痛、痛经等;
– 癌性疼痛、手术后止痛等。

4. **药代动力学**:口服乙酰氨基酚后,药物易被肠道吸收,通常在30-60分钟内起效,作用持续3-5小时。成年人的常规剂量为1-2粒,1天2-3次。

5. **安全性**:乙酰氨基酚在常规剂量下相对安全,但长期大量使用可能导致肝、肾功能的损害。肝肾功能不全的患者应慎用。


6. **副作用**:乙酰氨基酚的副作用较少,但在大剂量使用或个体差异的情况下,可能出现以下症状:
– 恶心、呕吐、出汗、腹痛、皮肤苍白等;
– 过敏性皮炎、皮疹、皮肤瘙痒等;
– 粒细胞缺乏、血小板减少、贫血、肝功能受损等;
– 极少发生胃肠道出血。

7. **禁忌症**:对乙酰氨基酚过敏者、严重肝、肾功能不全的患者禁用。



1. **成分天然**:使用天然水果提取物,如柠檬、草莓、苹果等,这些成分通常具有抗氧化和保湿的效果。


2. **温和不刺激**:适合各种肤质,尤其是敏感肌肤,因为其天然成分较为温和,不会引起皮肤不适。

3. **香味宜人**:带有清新的果香,使用时能带来愉悦的体验,有助于放松身心。

4. **深层清洁**:除了香味外,产品可能还具有深层清洁的功效,帮助去除皮肤表面的污垢和油脂。

5. **保湿效果**:某些果香洁肤神器可能还添加了保湿成分,如甘油、玻尿酸等,帮助肌肤保持水润。



– **品牌**:寻找知名品牌,确保产品质量和安全性。


– **成分**:查看产品成分表,选择天然成分较多的产品。
– **评价**:参考其他消费者的评价,了解产品的实际效果。


It’s all right for me to be a dragon, and it’s not high to learn shallow knowledge. I know this skill is good, but I don’t know where it is. I’m happy that I can get so many advanced martial arts if I have ambition.

I’m dead, but I’m different. His strength has reached the peak of Tongmai territory and he’s ready to break through Tongmai territory.
Moreover, he is a well-informed Yu family, and it can be seen at a glance that these three Juexue schools are all the kind. Once exposed, it is difficult for even a large family like Yu family to keep the top Juexue.
In particular, rain, snow, frost, dew, rain and rain are also magical powers of water attributes. He can naturally see that it is many times better than his own massive tactic.
"These three Juexue" Yu is too excited to say anything and embarrassed to want it.
Yu Guihai smiled and knew what he meant and said, "This is just something my family has done."
"My brother is really a family blessing!" I was so excited that I didn’t know what to say. He was very glad that he had raised Yu Jiasheng’s general branch in Qingshan City, and now the return has already exceeded the pay.
After the excitement, he was a little worried and asked, "My brother doesn’t know if there is any heel in these three schools. Will he be investigated if he meets the Lord?"
"I have already made it clear that these three methods are all destroyed by the cloud family, and all of them are now the main objects. Of course, don’t worry about others looking for doors, and don’t leak them out or they will attract others’ envy." Yu Guihai replied.
He hesitated, "Well, we can first select the loyal and reliable expert in the family to switch to the higher level of the family as soon as possible, and select the excellent junior with good qualifications and reliability to secretly cultivate reserve forces. After a few years, the strength of the family has soared, and there will be a congenital expert who will not be afraid."
"Well, do as you say. Why can’t I think of such a good way? It’s still my brother’s plan! " I kissed up excitedly.
"…" Yu Guihai’s ass is cold and stiff. Is it still a little comfortable?
"By the way, my brother, I have one more thing. Didn’t you break through the general situation? I want to ask the trick of breaking through the general situation. You know, brother, I am also preparing for a breakthrough, but I have no bottom in my heart! "
I’m a little embarrassed that I’m so old that annual repair was surpassed by my little brother. How can I not be ashamed to ask my little brother?
"Haha, you asked the right person about it!"
Yu Guihai’s eyes lit up and laughed. He has told more than one person about his breakthrough experience. I believe those people have benefited a lot. This time, he can finally give his family some advice.
"My brother is quick to say that if the effect is good, I will call the family master to ask you to give directions." Yu Guitian was excited.
Yu Renlong is also happy to listen to him. Although he is far from strength, he may arrive later. Even if he can’t, he can go out and pack to force.
"Listen, when I was practicing to the peak of Tongmai, my first choice was tongue-opening. I swallowed a Tongqiao Dan, and then I made a breakthrough in exercise." Yu Guihai solemnly said.
"…" Yu Guitian straight sobbed. Is this a human speech? If it were that simple, I would have been born early.
He suffered 10 thousand critical blows in his heart, and there was one emotion left, that is, he regretted that his mouth was cheap and he should ask this Uber if he knew everything before he was twenty. Is it a person?
Yu Renlong was so-called quite excited, but he thought about his bragging words. "My son broke through the general situation and broke through it as soon as he thought about it."
Behind Yu Guitian, his face was depressed, and he refused to call the master to ask Yu Guihai to give directions. If this is the case, I am afraid that the family will be hit by successors.
Chapter 329 Mother’s disease and imperial doctor
After three people consulted, Yu Guihai returned to his residence only to see Chunlan at the door and wondered, "Chunlan, why haven’t you left yet?" What about the mother? "
"The young master’s wife wanted to wait for you to come back, but she fell asleep." Chunlan answered.
"oh? How can a mother be so tired when she is an air fighter? " Yu Guihai was surprised that Zhao Yun, the mother, was an angry fighter. Although her strength was not high, she would not be tired easily.
"This" Chunlan hesitated a seems to have something to tell.
"Quick say" Yu Guihai urged.
"Is the young master’s wife coming to tell you that your wife always feels sleepy and often feels depressed the other day? The master asked the imperial doctor to see it. It is said that it is a big problem that she is pregnant and will be fine after giving birth. The imperial doctor has been taking pills to nourish her body and stabilize her spirit." Chunlan replied.
"I see."
Yu Guihai came into the room and saw her mother lying sideways in the bed and sleeping soundly. She put her hand on her wrist and felt her pulse. She came out just visible and told Chunlan, "You are here to serve well."
Then he went back to his room. The decoration of the room was the same as before, and there was no dust everywhere. Obviously, he cleaned it with all his heart every day
The fish tank of Shuifa Stone is placed in the corner. The small Qingling fish is still alive, but it is not as thin and timid as this fish in the lake after all.
And the nearly thousand pieces of reiki stones are packed in boxes and placed in the room.
At this time, I walked out of the door and saw my father, Yu Renlong, coming in.
"Haier, is your mother here?" Yu Renlong saw the son and asked
"I slept in my father’s room. I heard Chunlan say that my mother was ill. What’s the matter? You tell me about "Yu Guihai called his father into the house."
"It’s not your unborn brother," Yu Renlong said.
"oh? What’s the matter? " Yu Guihai’s curious way, Torre, clearly knows more information than Chunlan.
"After your mother fell ill, I asked the chief of the clan to call the imperial doctor Ganling Pill to see your mother. After his diagnosis, he said that your mother was pregnant with children and absorbed the mother too much, which made your mother physically weak and mentally exhausted. He gave pills for nourishing her body and calming her mind. She would recover after she was born."
"By the way, the imperial doctor also said that your younger brother must be gifted with peerless talent, perhaps even worse than you."
Yu Renlong was a little worried, madam, but it was hard to restrain his surprise.
Yu Guihai has a slight taste and spits in his heart. What kind of genius is it to harm his mother’s illness now? I think it’s a small disaster.
What’s more, I think it’s also a story. Why do you absorb the mother too much when you have a baby? Are you pregnant with aliens?
Yu Guihai frowned slightly. He has specially studied the world’s medical science. The medical level may be average, but combined with his strong spiritual perception and pedicure, his overall level can be raised to the level of imperial doctor.
He felt his mother’s pulse and found that she was pregnant with quintuplets instead of some crazy nutrition freak!
This dry doctor can’t even see this, either he’s just making up the numbers or he has ulterior motives.
Yu Guihai put these messy thoughts aside for the time being and asked indifferently, "Is my mother going out when my father and I are away?"
"Do you doubt your mother’s illness? What did you find? " Yu Renlong immediately noticed the son meaning nervous way
"I am also prepared without me!" Yu Guihai chuckled
"You’re right, but your mother has always been at home and never goes out. I’m busy with family affairs and I’m afraid she’ll be oppressed, so I’ll let her go out more and she won’t go." Yu Renlong replied.
"That’s the problem." Yu Guihai nodded and suddenly said.
"What is it? What’s wrong with the dry doctor? " Yu Renlong asked in horror, of course, he believed the son, but the more he did, the more worried he was that there was something wrong with the doctor. Isn’t there something wrong with his wife taking pills?
"I just felt my mother’s pulse and found that my mother was pregnant with quintuplets. It’s not a freak who absorbs too much. What’s the credibility of his words if you can’t even see it?" Yu Guihai solemnly said.

Wang Yue waved Luoxian’s double swords slightly and flew to his hands.

God will say, "That’s enough, Yukime. If you lose, you lose. Your best skill is the palm technique. Otherwise, you will know fencing. Since Wang Yue can beat your palm technique, he will definitely beat your fencing."
Yukime corners of the mouth with blood unwilling "god will adult I want to fight a Wang Yue again, my fencing will be able to kill him".
If Yukime throws in the towel, her position as a law enforcer will be given to Wang Yue, which will make her happy? If Yukime wants to be a law enforcer again, she will challenge other law enforcers, but the law enforcers present are better than her in every martial art.
The only way to win Yukime is to challenge the ninth and tenth law enforcers.
Luoxian sneer at a way: "Yukime, don’t be ungrateful. You lost Wang Yue and didn’t hunt you down. Now you’re not only ungrateful, but you’re really dying to compete with Wang Yue in fencing." If you lose the sword again, Wang Yue will never let you go. You will die. You must consider it clearly. "
Yukime face a change finally gave Wang Yue a grind stare and said, "Wang Yue, you won. From now on, you will be the first law enforcer, but don’t be proud of the position of law enforcer. I will take it back sooner or later."
Yukime unwillingly jumped into the ring.
Wang Yue’s martial arts is indeed better than her. The God General is right. If Wang Yue can win her palm, he will certainly win her fencing.
Wang Yue laughed. "You are always welcome to challenge me."
Broken waves in the heart dark scold a way "damn Wang Yue how can so much even the law enforcers are not his opponent? But it’s good that Wang Yue didn’t die in the hands of law enforcers and will definitely die in the hands of my broken waves in the future. "
Broken waves have jealousy and resentment towards Wang Yue, but he will be a teacher of the powerful in the realm of ghosts and gods. He thinks it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Wang Yue.
"Wang Yue Lao Niu came to meet you!" A giant Han law enforcer roared and jumped into the ring with a black iron bar more than two meters long.
Yukime lost, not because she lost her position as a law enforcer, but even other law enforcers lost face. Niu Ben rushed to the ring as soon as she was hot-tempered.
Luoxian facial expression, a Niu Ben this guy although posture is a little slow, but his natural divine power plus indestructible magic power is strong, even the first law enforcers can’t stop it.
Luoxian Avenue "Niu Ben Wang Yuegang defeated Yukime’s true spirit and consumed a lot. You will be ridiculed by others even if you win at this time. Are our Tianmen law enforcers all rats who want to win Wang Yue and have to fight in wheels?"
Luoxian’s words made all law enforcers look livid.
Law enforcers are rats?
"The cow is coming!" The silver-haired juvenile law enforcer said coldly, "Since Wang Yue wants to have a rest, let him have a rest for ten days. We will come back in ten days. Anyway, he has given us all a fight."
Niu Ben Avenue "Boss"
A cold light flashed in the eyes of the silver-haired boy. "Didn’t you hear me?"
Niu Ben stared at Wang Yue and said, "I can’t recognize you when I win Yukime. Ten days later, I will let you know that I am good at Niu Ben. I will kill you in the ring today and let you go now. It’s hard for someone to say that I am an old cow."
Wang Yue sneered, "Well, I’ll wait for you to kill me."
God will say "Let’s go" to Duanlang, and Duanlang respectfully says "Yes, master"
This battle let everyone in Tianmen see the strength of Wang Yue, and now no one dares to regard Wang Yue as a bully.
Wang Yue is different from Duanlang. Although there is no strong backer in the realm of ghosts and gods, his strength can also be respected in Tianmen.
Wang Yue jumped out of the ring and Luoxian came over and said, "Wang Yue congratulates you on being the first law enforcer all day."
Chapter 412 Magic blood boiling
In the face of Luo Xiangong’s happiness, Wang Yue has no complacency. Yukime is the first law enforcer, which has put a lot of pressure on Wang Yue. It can threaten Wang Yue’s life and death. I wonder how strong the martial arts of other law enforcers are.
Wang Yue said to Luo Xian, "There is nothing to congratulate. I just defeated the first law enforcer. There are still seven law enforcers."

Jiao Fei asked carefully once before frowning slightly. It turns out that this star is called Yunjixing, and the monks are divided into five classes, which seems to be the highest, but it is just a series of refined gas. Such people have been able to establish a Sect in Yunjixing, and everyone is regarded as the Great Immortal Master.

As far as Yunjixing people know, the number of great immortals is only a dozen, almost all of whom are family figures.
Wu Bohu is also shocked, because neither Jiao Fei nor Pang Wei seems to be those people who recite the Great Immortal Master, obviously not a figure who has lived in seclusion for many years, or a character who has recently been promoted to this realm in recent years. No matter what kind of role, he can’t afford to provoke a small divine wind country, Jinghai Hou, so he treats Jiao Fei and Pang Wei with respect and respect.
Jiao Fei asked once and suddenly found something wrong. He still made a mistake by himself. He asked several times to make sure that it was correct, and then he suddenly gave birth to a sense of joy.
Chapter 47 Colorful ship
It is not much to increase Shou Yuan in the first five floors of refining gas in the Seven Burning Boundaries, although it is slightly longer, but it is only when the sixth floor of refining gas reaches the state of Dan Cheng that Shou Yuan will increase several times. For 3,500 years, Shou Yuan will grow slightly every time it practices to enter the country. When it is warmed up in the ninth floor of refining gas, it can enjoy a longevity of 700 years.
Tianhe Star is also a general gas refining scholar, and Shou Yuan and Qihuang seem to be in the world.
However, this Yunjixing is not like this. It seems that Shou Yuan, who has the first level of fetal movement in refining gas, can grow 200 years old, and the second level of refining gas can prolong his life by half. The third level of refining gas induction can double his life, and Shou Yuan can increase his life by 500. The fourth level of refining gas and the fifth level of refining gas can seem to break thousands.
Jiao Fei asked Wu Bohu several times before he was convinced that his heart was dark. "It seems that Yun Jixing must have some kinds of elixirs to extend Shou Yuan, otherwise, these people who are so junior can have such a long life." It seems that this time I have come to the right place. I must find out the mystery of Yunjixing’s longevity. "
When Jiao Fei asked Wu Bohu, Pang Wei also listened clearly. My heart suddenly jumped and thought, "I have been practicing Buddhism for more than 300 years, but there is always enough time to learn more about my three younger brothers. Some of them are older than me, and even later than me. If you can get this kind of life extension, it will be of great benefit to the strength of the door."
It’s just difficult for Pang Wei to allow Jiao Fei to pass by two stars, but it’s difficult for this younger brother to have such a good feeling in Yunjixing, which makes Pang Wei’s heart quite gratified that Jiao Fei’s goodwill has also risen to a new level. "Jiao Fei’s younger brother is a lucky person, so he should be close to him often in the future."
Wu Bohu’s heart was uneasy when Jiao Fei asked questions, and he jumped wildly. He also couldn’t figure out what the two great immortals wanted to ask, and they could answer all their questions.
Jiao Fei asked some Yunjixing local conditions and customs briefly again, and then asked about those Xianshi living nearby.
Wu Bohu was a little delighted. "Our fleet is about to return to Kamikaze, and there is a Xu Xianshi sitting in the seat of two Xianshi. Are you going to visit?" Is refined gas monks on the second floor in YunJiXing has great identity refined gas on the third floor induction generation will be praised as a teacher status is very respected and similar to the middle-earth fairy officer, and when you get refined gas on the fourth floor, you will have the title of fairy teacher. In a country, it is a Buddhist courtesy.
The disciple Xu Xianshi of Kamikaze Kingdom has been in Kamikaze Kingdom for nearly 400 years, and I don’t know how many disciples are the disciples of Jinghai Hou Wu Bohu’s fleet. Those who manipulate the bow of the boat are also the disciples of the seven generations of Xu Xianshi, who are more respected than the emperor of Kamikaze Kingdom. Almost every emperor of Kamikaze Kingdom has to invite Xu Xianshi to watch the ceremony when he ascended the throne.
Wu Bohu thought, "If I can please go back to two immortals who are taller than Xu Xianshi, I am afraid that my position will be completely different in front of the emperor of the country. Maybe the King of Cracking the Earth is also unknown. If I can get two immortals to accept an outstanding brother of the Wu family, the Wu family will be able to overwhelm the other three families and become the first family in the Kamikaze country. I have to take good advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Therefore, he is very enthusiastic about inviting Jiao Fei and Pang Wei to go to Kamikaze State Affairs.
JiaoFei briefly thought asked PangWei then agreed to come.
He and Pang Wei are also not very picky. They occupied the cabin where Wu Bohu lived, and then they practiced separately. Jiao Fei recently captured the cloud beast that has been refined into a dragon shape, and there are still more than 1,000 cloud beasts that have not been disposed of for more than 100,000 years, so they took this moment to clean up first.
Jiao Fei suppressed the dragon-shaped cloud beast in the large array of stars on Sunday. The cloud beast transformed by the strong atmosphere of the big dipper is struggling but can’t get rid of this large array. When Jiao Fei roared, he suddenly appeared and smiled and put a tactic into the dragon-shaped cloud beast.
This magic formula entered the body, and the dragon-shaped cloud beast immediately became quiet. It has long been known as a god, but it can float in the sky and has never been in contact with other species, so it can be said that simplicity is more original than simplicity.
Jiao Fei’s penetrating into this cloud beast is consistent with his vigorous body. This is the door of the 36-day plough refining method. It is the most common refining method. Tianhe Sword Sect has a collection of Jiao Fei’s current status. It is not difficult to obtain nature.
Get the Beidou plough tactic, and this cloud beast will meditate, and Jiao Fei will take the opportunity to turn moral loyalty into a kind and beautiful story, and his thoughts will penetrate into this picture. Thanks to Jiao Fei’s body, he has a book of Yin and Yang, otherwise he will never have such strange magic. Although this cloud beast has been in Shou Yuan for hundreds of thousands of years, he doesn’t have much memory. After all, it is boring to kill similar animals every day, which is more complicated than the communication between the cloud beast and the language.
Jiao Fei’s awareness of these kind and beautiful stories will change this cloud beast and make it grow according to its own ideas.
It won’t be long before the big dipper’s celestial gas turns into a cloud beast, and the hostility gradually fades away. The big dipper’s celestial method is used to make a slight calculation. He said to the monty boy who is practicing the Yin-Yang gourd, "Go to Yunjixing North Pole and help me ingest a metamagnetic essence. The stronger this metamagnetic essence is, the better."
Monty boy was chatting with Lai Wenwen and immediately called Jiao Fei. On second thoughts, he let him leave the fourteen old dragons and let Monty boy go.
The fourteen old dragons are dedicated to offering sacrifices to those golden bamboos that are growing more and more luxuriantly, and they are also self-cultivating. Their roots are much richer than those of clams. Now they have all cultivated in the dragon realm, but Jiao Fei refused to let them out and dared not change, for fear of making too much noise and being punished by Jiao Fei.
In fact, Jiao Fei, regardless of their evil deeds, made the fourteen old dragons afraid to the extreme.
Jiao Fei grabbed these fourteen old dragons and transferred them to the imperial robe, giving them the method of forbidding the truth. It’s not difficult for them to sacrifice and refine all those cloud beasts. Almost all of these fourteen old dragons have nine levels of refining gas. It’s just a few days’ work. Jiao Fei collected and photographed too many cloud beasts, but he didn’t dare to resist. It’s just a matter of meeting each other. Who will sacrifice and refine which group will stop to do hard work?
Jiao Fei disposed of these captured cloud beasts and reached out and patted the bottle of Yin and Yang around him. He recently pondered the Beidou solution and realized something new, so he auditioned according to law.
Beidou Dafa came from the time when the Beidou Emperor created the Yuan Shen series of mana to refine his own physical practice, and his mana was so high. However, he was born in an authentic Tianhe Sword School, and he learned the magic door. Many people really touched the analogy and realized some unique secrets.
The bottle body of Yin-Yang green stork is a rare treasure, but it’s a natural fetish. I don’t know which magic elder has to sacrifice it in his hand and make it into a green stork bottle. This treasure has also been sacrificed and made into a magic weapon, but it’s a first-class unitary tire. Jiao Fei realized from Beidou Dafa that some wonderful things are to make the bottle sacrifice of Yin-Yang green stork into a god with a body and no soul, and then he can treat it as another body when he cultivates himself into a yuan god in the future.
The Yin-Yang green stork bottle has the Yin-Yang gourd tactic base and the Yuan-Mi tactic which are completely integrated, and it is similar to the magical power Jiao Fei regardless of each other. This magic weapon is much more, so if you have an extra shell, you can always convert your Tianhe Dharma base into Yuan-Mi tactic repair.
However, half of this method was inspired by Beidou Dafa, and the other half was explored by Jiao Fei himself. There were many obstacles, and the roots could not be fully penetrated. Jiao Fei also scrutinized some small branches and knots
For example, Yuan Mi’s formula Tianhe Dharma won the Tao and Magic because of Jiao Fei. It takes enough skill to deduce this spell, but it is almost impossible to deduce it because of Jiao Fei’s escape from Yin and Yang array. You can ponder it yourself.
Jiao Fei’s sacrifice to the Yin-Yang Qing-Hong bottle also made him feel a little bit. Since he was refined by Jiao Fei’s Yuan-Hong tactic, his temperament has become more and more profound. Yin-Yang Qing-Hong bottle and Yuan-Hong tactic are inseparable. He was also refined by Jiao Fei’s Yuan-Hong tactic. Therefore, Jiao Fei’s every move to the Yin-Yang Qing-Hong bottle made him feel loyal. Second, he immediately released his body mana to help Jiao Fei try.
Jiao Fei got the help of a boy scout to verify what he thought one by one, and to ponder over it, such as improving, when the fleet suddenly stopped and seemed to meet another fleet, what twists and turns arose?
Jiao Fei slightly calculated that it took him seven days to practice. He looked up and saw that Pang Wei was still meditating with his eyes closed, so he didn’t bother himself. He got up and left the cabin, only to see that there was a colorful ship on the sea that was ten times taller than one in Wu Bohu’s fleet, just like a sea city, throwing its weight around and hitting the fleet hard.
Chapter 40 Liuhua Princess
Wu Bohu’s face looked as if he had seen Jiao Fei’s bow, and he ran over and said, "Xianshi has come to Tianzi’s colorful ship. I’m ordering him to avoid it. I don’t want to disturb Xianshi, but I still hope not to blame him."
Even though these warships have been refined by human sacrifice, they are considered as low-level instruments, but it is not easy for Wu Bohu to suddenly change direction on the sea. However, Tianzi country is a big sea country, and its national strength is far greater than Kamikaze country. He dare not offend this Tianzi country, but he can’t expect the Xianshi to intervene even though he can swallow the bow.
Jiao Fei’s brow wrinkled, and he was quite dissatisfied with the slow speed of this fleet. However, without Wu Bohu’s introduction, he and Pang Wei flew to Kamikaze for fear of easily causing unnecessary misunderstanding and complicating simple things.
Therefore, Tianzi Guotai, a colorful building ship, suddenly appeared and held his head high with provocative colors, so he said lightly, "I have to turn and hit it."
Wu Bohu was dumbfounded and busy, arguing that "Xianshi didn’t know that Tianzi, the colorful ship, is a national treasure of the town, and it has been sacrificed and refined. There are four array bodies and iron wood, and our kamikaze warships will be scattered and absolutely collided …"
Wu Bohu has yet to be explained. Jiao Fei has put the dharma tactic into practice, urging Liu Yang to seal the gods. In the back of his head, he separated a red light. This warship Wu Bohu walked back and forth, making it flush with crimson lotus flower, and then Jiao Fei didn’t control the sailors. It means that this warship sailed for more than ten miles like a left-hand arrow and slammed into the bow of that colorful ship in an instant.
Protected by the magic spell of the six Yang deities, this warship can become indestructible even though it is just an ordinary series.
That colorful ship is only the fifth prohibition. Where is it worth Jiao Fei’s magic? Jiao Fei didn’t mean to be so arrogant, but he was reckless when he saw this colorful ship. After several times of tempering, he realized that this method is the quickest way to fold the colorful ship in the shortest time.
Rao, the hull of that colorful building is also very strong, but when Jiao Fei urged the ship to transport mana, it was suddenly hit by the bow. This warship is ten times smaller than the colorful building, and it can crack the bow. It can’t completely smash Jiao Feiyun, so that the mana can shake off the warship from the crack of the colorful ship with a slight shock, and suddenly accelerate after retreating backwards for several miles. Obviously, I want to hit it again.
The colorful boatman has long been stunned by this scene. I don’t know how many people shouted and some people commanded the boatman to make up for the cracked place, but when he saw that the warship was hit like an arrow again, did the boatman dare to take risks? I’m afraid I’ve been killed by this warship before I can repair the colorful ship crack.
On the top floor of the colorful ship, our country’s face has long been extremely ugly. The kamikaze warship is covered with a layer of red blood and strange light. Obviously, it has long been presided over by a master. His heart has been faint and he regrets that he should not have made such a joke because he wanted to see this fleet on a whim, but it is already late at the moment. He hurriedly shouted, "The quick money teacher let his old man’s house make moves …"
In this panic, the only induction monk on the third floor of the colorful ship has already run out from the clearing place, but in the face of this situation, he is also helpless. The induction monk on the third floor of the gas refining is just able to control the multiplier and make the spell a little higher. It is just a matter of controlling the sword.
Although there are many differences between Brother Yunjixing’s situation and the Seven Burning World, the gap is not very big.
Although this Qian Daoshi is a wealthy family, he has at most two life-saving runes. He has never even seen such a big battle, let alone solved it. It’s not bad to be able to transport a suit. He shouted, "Who’s the elder here? Qian Zhengshen, the younger generation’s seven-generation brother of Tianzi Kingdom’s immortal master, and Tianzi Kingdom’s wife still hope that their predecessors will show leniency. "
Jiao Fei was waiting to hit a ball first, and suddenly there was a deep voice behind him and said, "Forget it! Brother Jiao Fei will see these people! " Pang Wei didn’t know when he got to the deck. Jiao Fei hey, the red light of the warship flew up and fell into the six Yang deities behind his head.

Su Mo came into contact with three of the four immortals, all of whom were stunning, but they had different personalities, different styles, different minds and different behaviors.

Qin Xian Meng Yao is arrogant and indifferent, and bears a grudge.
Painting immortal ink is quiet and indifferent to everything, and it is indifferent to everyone and will not be close to anyone.
And Xianyunzhu’s temperament is as warm as water, and talking and chatting with her will feel very comfortable and unconsciously relax.
The fairy cloud bamboo body is more noble than the two great immortals.
This temperament does not stem from her birth, status and appearance.
This is something that precipitated from reading several ancient poems.
When Su Mo was a child, he once read a poem with poetic spirit and self-admiration.
Now he really feels this brilliance in the fairy body.
He has seen the third of the four immortals, and he doesn’t know what kind of person the last chess fairy is.
"What are you thinking?"
Just then Yunzhu saw Su Mo’s silence and suddenly asked, "Are you thinking about Chess Fairy?"
"This can be guessed?"
Sumo was surprised
Yunzhu smiled and said, "Guess Chess Fairy at random?" She likes two things in her life, one is chess and the other is fighting.
"If you are noticed by her, you have two choices: play chess with her or play a game with her."
"Then forget it."
Su Mo wry smile
On second thought, he remembered another thing and asked casually, "Where are Taoist Yunzhu from?"
Yunzhu’s mind is smart. As soon as Su Mo asked this sentence, she guessed what Su Mo was thinking.
"Don’t guess. Yun Ting is my brother."
Yunzhu avenue
"Well …"
Su Mo gently coughed.
He did have this speculation in his heart, but he didn’t have the nerve to ask directly before he planned to ask a few words by innuendo.
I didn’t expect Yunzhu to be so direct.
"I didn’t know when he went to the grave."
Yunzhu said, "Thank you for your kindness in the tomb of the Emperor anyway."
"I was lucky enough to beat him if I couldn’t show mercy."
Su Mo recalled that in addition to the blood force, he had almost released all the chassis means before finally defeating Yun Ting.
That war was also the most difficult one he had ever encountered since his ascent.
This matter Su Mo can’t help but think of the jade Fu Yuanzuo, which has been put in the bag for many years. The most important thing for the king of the county is that he competes for things in Yun Ting.
"What’s in that jade charm?"
Sumo asked, "It is said that there is a taboo secret?"
Yunzhu said, "This taboo secret book is quite famous, but it is an era of immortality emperor’s cultivation method named Sanqing Jade Book."
A shock in Su Mo’s heart turned out to be the great practice achievement method!
Yunzhu went on to say that "Sanqing Jade Book, as its name implies, has three jade books, namely Qingying Jade Book and Taiqing Jade Book".
"After the death of the immortal emperor, the Sanqing jade book was scattered in the hands of different monks for many years and finally reunited in the hands of a fairy emperor."
"This immortal emperor is the one in the emperor’s grave, but it’s a pity that he was cursed by terror and died."
"It is said that the immortal emperor knew that his life would soon be over, and before he died, he put the Sanqing jade book in three different ruins for the right person."
"Accurately speaking, one of the relics of this jade symbol is related, like there should be more than one such jade symbol."
"It is still unknown who will get the jade book when you enter the ruins."
Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief.
Until now, he didn’t understand the meaning behind this jade symbol.
Yunzhu added, "As far as I know, among the three jade books, the Qing jade book and the Tai Qing jade book have already had owners."
"Who has the Jade Book is still a mystery, and the Jade Book is too clear in the hands of a fairy in the fairy land. There is a Jade Book that has not yet been born."
"Not surprisingly, you got this jade symbol, and it should be the remains of the jade book."
Yunzhu paused a little and added, "Every volume of Sanqing Jade Book is one of the methods of Gao Xiandao. It is not difficult to cultivate to be a true fairy, and there is a great chance to achieve the immortal king."
"It’s also possible if the talent is enough to step into the emperor’s territory."
"Moreover, it is said that there will be more magical changes after the integration of Sanqing Jade Book. At the beginning, the immortal emperor realized this meaning and had to live a long life in Shou Yuan."